Our mission
To develop new tools to support HPS researchers in processing and analyzing their data.

To contribute to the development of a computational research system for history and philosophy of science.

To create new educational resources, opportunities, and experiences for students in computer science and the history and philosophy of science.
Our recent posts
Research Expo Workshop
July 28, 2021
The Research Computing Expo will be held August 2-6, 2021 by Research Computing. The Digital Innovation Group will be contributing to the expo by hosting two workshops led by Taylor Quinn and Julia Damerow.
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Virtual ASU Code and Coffee
April 02, 2021
On Monday, April 19, 2021, 1-2pm MST, research software engineers from various parts of ASU (Research Computing, School of Complex Adaptive Systems, the Library, and others) will hold the next monthly Code and Coffee session for anyone who needs help with a coding-related problem or who just wants to chat about technology.
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DigInG in Times of the Pandemic
April 30, 2020
It’s been over a month now that ASU has moved to remote work whenever possible and online classes for the rest of the semester. This of course includes the Digital Innovation Group. We are all working remotely from home as the Spring semester draws to a close.
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